Wednesday, June 17, 2009

HALF WAY to a new life!!

Hello friendly friends! Well, yesterday marked 20 weeks which makes Trav and I half way to becoming parents!!! CRAZY!! We are STILL so excited that we are having a boy an have actually started on the baby's room which I will post pictures of when we are finished! All we have to do is lay the laminate flooring and put the baseboards in. Travis painted this last weekend. We should get the crib and dresser in sometime in the next month or so!! Yeah!

So, until this last Saturday I had been feeling GREAT! Well, Saturday morning marked a new start of pregnancy symptoms.....ACID REFLUX, ligament cramps and dizziness! It hit all at once Saturday morning after we ate breakfast (eggs, spicy potatoes and toast). We were on our way to Lowes that morning and I had to make Trav pull over on the highway so that I could throw up. LOL! I felt good afterwards........until I ate again!!! : ) I had never experienced acid reflux until good! So, when we got home I vegged out on the couch the rest of the day while Travis painted the baby's room....Lazy bones! I have such a great husband! He helps SO much around the house, cooks dinner and is SO understanding when I'm whiny or tired. Don't worry, I thank him all the time for all of his good deeds....he's appreciated! : )

This Friday I will be headed south with my dad, stepmom and stepsister in the car for 16 hours to Destin to see my family! Finally I'll get to see my family! I'm so excited to give my grandma a great big hug.....and of course everyone else too! I will be there for the weekend until Tuesday afternoon when I will be flying home. I'm so excited to see everyone!

Also, Trav's cousin Austin Wood is playing in the College World Series this weekend so everyone root for the Texas Longhorns!!! WOO WOO!
Oh, next Thursday Trav and I have our 21 week ultrasound and they will be measuring all the little guys parts and organs and checking for any abnormalities so please pray for the little guy and I'll give a new update next week with ultrasound pictures! : )
Love you guys!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's a BOY!!!

We found out today the good news! We are having a BOY!!! We are SO excited!!! During the ultrasound "mini-Travis" was ALL over the place.....kicking his legs, moving his mouth and twisting and twirling in every which direction! He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My 18 Week Beer Gut!

18 weeks and 1 day....gettin' a belly!

My little baby....

I believe this boy has been training me for five solid years for what it will be like to have a child. Here is proof!!

18 Weeks 1 Day and Doing Fine....

It's been so long since I've updated this blog that I don't even know where to start!

I'll start with today, how about that!? Trav and I had our 18 weeks apt today and everything went great. I've gained 5.8lbs so far, the baby's heartbeat was 154bpm, blood pressure was great and then they took my blood for the Quad Screening. The Quad screening is supposed to detect any abnomalities such as Downs Syndrome, etc. They are supposed to call with the results in the next week and a half or so.....SO, until then I will try to forget about it so I don't worry myself sick. : ) OH....I forgot some really exciting news!! We went to Storkland in OKC after our apt and ordered the baby's crib and dresser!! We are extremely excited!!

The last couple of weeks have been fun AND busy! My friend Aubrie and I met up with my mom and uncle Tony in London May 23-26 and we had a blast! We went up in the London Eye, did the whole double decker bus tour, went shopping, and took the train to Kent, England to meet up with my uncle Tony's friends Carl and Jenn. My favorite site while we were there was seeing the countryside of England and all of the small towns that mostly consist of a school, church and ALWAYS a pub. haha! I thought that was funny! Anyway, we got back last Tuesday and I pretty much slept solid the following three days, besides going to work of course. : )

This last weekend Trav and I went to the lake to his grandparents' lakehouse and just relaxed and hung out. That was really nice since the last couple of weeks have been so hectic!

Some up-coming exciting news.......we are going to have an ultrasound done tomorrow at noon to HOPEFULLY find out the sex of the baby!!! Keep your fingers crossed!

I will post a belly picture here in a little bit when trav gets home and has time to take it for me! : )

I hope this blog finds all of you happy and healthy! I love you all!
