Monday, September 7, 2009

31 Weeks 6 Days Pregnant

Okay, okay I had almost written off this blog until several people in the last week have asked me to do an update.....: ) we go....

Tomorrow I'm officially 32 weeks or 8 months!!! Can you believe that!? Since we found out so early that we were pregnant (4 weeks along) I feel like I've been pregnant for three solid years but at the same time it's pretty surreal to think about having a baby in my arms in less than two months! It's intimidating, overwhelming and exhilerating all at the same time. We have been working on the little guys room alot lately and I'll post pictures when we are finished.. : ) We are getting pretty excited for our baby showers in is October 4th and one October 10th!! Trav's cousin Annie is throwing the shower on October 10th in Stroud at Trav's nana's and our friends in Tulsa are throwing the one October 4th which is actually a couple's baby shower!

Trav and I are still playing the "name game!" I wish I had a great boys name in mind before we found out that it's a boy because it's SO intimidating to give a name to a child that they'll have to live with for the rest of their lives!!! Everytime we think of a name it's usually a name of someone we once knew or the name of someone else's child that we know and we don't want to copy them.

We got our maternity pictures taken two weeks ago and they turned out great! A girl that I used to work with does photography on the side and she kindly agreed to do our photos. SO...I attached a few of them above.... : )

Oh and by the way, GO POKES!! They beat Georgia this last weekend!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

27 Weeks 1 day....

13 more weeks to go!! Can my belly really stretch anymore??? I know, it will....but gosh it might start hurting here pretty soon!

Well, not much has happened in the past two weeks except I did turn 26 years old two days ago! Mom and I had a girls' weekend in Tulsa this past weekend and had a blast. I drove up there Friday morning and met mom for brunch then we went to the hotel, checked in, shopped and went to Wicked that night. It was really good! Then Saturday we woke up, took our time getting ready and then shopped all day followed by dinner at Johnny C's! I was surprised to walk into the restaurant to find Trav, his parents, my aunt and uncle Tim and Nathalie and also my was a great surprise! Mom totally outdid herself with making my birthday special! I seriously have the best mom in the world!

Monday Trav and I had a Dr apt in OKC for our regular checkup. Everything looked great! I have gained 4 more lbs since our last apt four weeks ago, the baby's heartrate was 152 and the uterus is measuring right on track! We scheduled my next apt in three weeks for them to do the glucose test and then the following day I will get to have a 30 week ultrasound to see the baby!!! I can't wait! I don't have any complaints at all, but I do have some normal pregnancy syptoms like heartburn, round ligament pain and fatigue.... all and all we are doing well!!

Well, I'm making this short because we need to head to Tulsa to meet my dad and stepmom for dinner! mmmm.....mexican! haha!

Sending love to all of you!

Monday, July 20, 2009

25 weeks

I know, I know....I'm HORRIBLE at this blog thing!! I sometimes forget I even have it until friends start to remind me that it's time for an update. If you know me well, you know that I'm bad at keeping up with this type of stuff....just like I'm horrible at returning phone calls!! OOPS!

Well, we are now at 25 weeks and everything is still going great! I've been packing on the lbs and hoping most of that weight is going toward the little fella and not toward my "ars!" : ) We are getting closer to picking the NAME but I'm not going to tell until we make our final decision.... I can feel the little dude almost constantly lately and the movements seem to be getting bigger and bigger. For instance, instead of feeling just kicks I am feeling body parts moving across my belly OR feeling body parts leaning against my belly and when I feel the pressure on my stomach it feels hard like it could be his back or butt. Saturday Trav had his head on my stomach trying to hear or feel him and he got several kicks to the side of his face! I like the spunk he is already showing!!

We just got back from Florida Saturday from Chris' and Paige's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time with all of Trav's family! I realized that I'm not really good at the whole heat thing....I hate being hot, I'm not gonna lie! The beach and water was beautiful but I went inside every couple of hours to get out of the heat....I'm not one that likes to sweat. I know, I'm a huge baby! It was a really fun trip though! We got to see Annie (Trav's gorgeous cousin and my good friend) finally!! It was especially good seeing her and her beautiful self!!

We are now officially done with traveling out of state until the baby comes! It's now time to do the whole "nesting" thing getting the baby's room ready and preparing for his arrival. : ) I'll post pictures of the room as soon as we get it finished. It's already looking good!

Well folks, until next time......

Love to all!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

22 week 2 day BELLY!!!

22 Weeks 1 Day : )

HELLO!! Happy 4th of July ALMOST!

Well, since I didn't update last week I'll let you know a little history... I got back from Florida late last Tuesday night and had a blast with my family. It was VERY short and sweet! The trip mostly consisted of talking, laying out, eating, talking, laying out, eating....etc. Three things I LOVE doing. My cousin Allie is pregnant (12 weeks along today) and she didn't feel very good part of the time but we made the best of it! My cousin Aaron who has an 11 month old boy brought me some "hand me downs" that are absolutely adorable and I'm SO thankful for him and all the new clothes. My aunt Beth who currently has breast cancer is in great spirits and just her normal, crazy self even though she is going through some pretty powerful chemo right now so she couldn't have been feeling all that great. She sure fooled me though! Anyway, it was a great time with everyone and so good to see everyone!

Last Thursday we had an ultrasound at 21 weeks 2 days so we could look at our little guy up close and personal and make sure that he is normal size and everything has developed like it should. Everything we GREAT!! The doctor was able to rule out ANY abnormalities and confirmed again that indeed we are having a BOY! We then got some 3d shots of him that are a little distorted because of all of the amniotic fluid around him but still AMAZING to look at! As of that day he weighed in at 15 oz. which the Dr. said is perfect! By now he is supposed to be 11 inches long and probably around 1lb or so. He's really growing up on us! : )
I had a Dr. apt today, just my regular 4 week apt. I have gained 4lbs in the past 4 weeks, my blood pressure looks good and the baby's heart rate was 156. They also started measuring my uterus this week and it's right where it's supposed to be, just above my belly button. : ) All and all, everything is going great! I'll post my new "belly" picture here in a little bit after Trav gets home.
Have a great night everyone!! Oh, and Happy 4th of July!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

HALF WAY to a new life!!

Hello friendly friends! Well, yesterday marked 20 weeks which makes Trav and I half way to becoming parents!!! CRAZY!! We are STILL so excited that we are having a boy an have actually started on the baby's room which I will post pictures of when we are finished! All we have to do is lay the laminate flooring and put the baseboards in. Travis painted this last weekend. We should get the crib and dresser in sometime in the next month or so!! Yeah!

So, until this last Saturday I had been feeling GREAT! Well, Saturday morning marked a new start of pregnancy symptoms.....ACID REFLUX, ligament cramps and dizziness! It hit all at once Saturday morning after we ate breakfast (eggs, spicy potatoes and toast). We were on our way to Lowes that morning and I had to make Trav pull over on the highway so that I could throw up. LOL! I felt good afterwards........until I ate again!!! : ) I had never experienced acid reflux until good! So, when we got home I vegged out on the couch the rest of the day while Travis painted the baby's room....Lazy bones! I have such a great husband! He helps SO much around the house, cooks dinner and is SO understanding when I'm whiny or tired. Don't worry, I thank him all the time for all of his good deeds....he's appreciated! : )

This Friday I will be headed south with my dad, stepmom and stepsister in the car for 16 hours to Destin to see my family! Finally I'll get to see my family! I'm so excited to give my grandma a great big hug.....and of course everyone else too! I will be there for the weekend until Tuesday afternoon when I will be flying home. I'm so excited to see everyone!

Also, Trav's cousin Austin Wood is playing in the College World Series this weekend so everyone root for the Texas Longhorns!!! WOO WOO!
Oh, next Thursday Trav and I have our 21 week ultrasound and they will be measuring all the little guys parts and organs and checking for any abnormalities so please pray for the little guy and I'll give a new update next week with ultrasound pictures! : )
Love you guys!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

It's a BOY!!!

We found out today the good news! We are having a BOY!!! We are SO excited!!! During the ultrasound "mini-Travis" was ALL over the place.....kicking his legs, moving his mouth and twisting and twirling in every which direction! He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My 18 Week Beer Gut!

18 weeks and 1 day....gettin' a belly!

My little baby....

I believe this boy has been training me for five solid years for what it will be like to have a child. Here is proof!!

18 Weeks 1 Day and Doing Fine....

It's been so long since I've updated this blog that I don't even know where to start!

I'll start with today, how about that!? Trav and I had our 18 weeks apt today and everything went great. I've gained 5.8lbs so far, the baby's heartbeat was 154bpm, blood pressure was great and then they took my blood for the Quad Screening. The Quad screening is supposed to detect any abnomalities such as Downs Syndrome, etc. They are supposed to call with the results in the next week and a half or so.....SO, until then I will try to forget about it so I don't worry myself sick. : ) OH....I forgot some really exciting news!! We went to Storkland in OKC after our apt and ordered the baby's crib and dresser!! We are extremely excited!!

The last couple of weeks have been fun AND busy! My friend Aubrie and I met up with my mom and uncle Tony in London May 23-26 and we had a blast! We went up in the London Eye, did the whole double decker bus tour, went shopping, and took the train to Kent, England to meet up with my uncle Tony's friends Carl and Jenn. My favorite site while we were there was seeing the countryside of England and all of the small towns that mostly consist of a school, church and ALWAYS a pub. haha! I thought that was funny! Anyway, we got back last Tuesday and I pretty much slept solid the following three days, besides going to work of course. : )

This last weekend Trav and I went to the lake to his grandparents' lakehouse and just relaxed and hung out. That was really nice since the last couple of weeks have been so hectic!

Some up-coming exciting news.......we are going to have an ultrasound done tomorrow at noon to HOPEFULLY find out the sex of the baby!!! Keep your fingers crossed!

I will post a belly picture here in a little bit when trav gets home and has time to take it for me! : )

I hope this blog finds all of you happy and healthy! I love you all!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

16 Weeks 2 Days!!

Wow, what a busy couple of weeks it has been since my last post! We were gone 7 of those days on vacation with Trav's parent's, brother Chris and his fiance Paige.....on a CRUISE! We had alot of fun. I asked the doctor the week before we left for prescription motion sickness pills JUST IN CASE.....well, guess who got the use out of those pills...TRAVIS!! haha! Two days of the five day cruise Trav was pretty sea sick...but he handled it like a trooper. I have to admit, being out in the sun all day on vacation definitely made me crave a beer or two, I was pretty jealous of Trav but I managed to overcome the desire. ha. Anyway, we got back home Saturday night, unpacked and got ready for another work week.
Now, I'm re-packing for my trip to London tomorrow!!!! My mom headed over there Tuesday and has been hanging out partly by herself and partly with my uncle Tony (who lives there) and Aubrie and I are going to meet in Houston tomorrow and fly off together to London to meet my mom and uncle! We will be there three days and then all head back home together on Tuesday.
Pregnancy has been treating me GREAT the past several weeks. I have no complaints at all and I'm really enjoying this whole thing. Since about the last week I can clearly feel a bump below my belly button when I'm laying feels like a hard ball. It's so cool! Trav is amazed that he can feel it and has been feeling it every night and every morning. I can feel movements also every once in a's a weird feeling but it's awesome. Trav can't feel anything yet from the outside as far as movement. Probably not too much longer though!!! : )
Well, when I get back next week I will try to give another update! I hope all of you are doing well!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Still Rockin' at 14 weeks 1 day

Well, hello peeps! Just a quick update before we go on vaca in just a few short days.....

Here is my 14 week photo just in case you are interested.....feeling like i'm getting a little thick at this point.

Trav and I had a Dr. apt today and nothing too exciting happened except we got to hear the heartrate of 158bpm! We also discovered that I have gained 1.8lbs......and so the weight gain begins! : ) The baby this week is the size of a clenched fist.....go ahead, clench your fist and check out the size of little baby K!

Meanwhile, I have been super busy preparing for our vacation in just 4 days! I have been working really hard at work to try to catch everything up so that my client's aren't freaking out next week. This has been extremely seems like just as I get a handle on my workload I have people calling and coming in the office with a crisis that they want me to fix. Sometimes I feel like I have 300 children. I'm really not quite sure how the "working moms" that I work with do their job and have enough energy physically and emotionally to be good moms at home. I've been pretty overwhelmed lately just thinking about how I will juggle everything when the baby comes. We'll see!! : )

Kramar and Karl are also going on vacation next week and they are pumped! Kramar is going to his "nana's" (my moms) and Karlton is going to his "grandpa's" (my dads). Friday we will be giving them their baths so they will be all nice and fresh for their new home for a week. As you can see, they are waiting patiently..... : )
Until next time.........

Monday, May 4, 2009

Time is Flying....

Well, as you all can see, our 13 weeks ultrasound went great! Everything is measuring to be right on schedule. The ultrasound tech measured his/her little head and belly and everything was all good.....she said the head was the size of a quarter. It was absolutely amazing to see the little life inside of me move around, bouncing off of my uterus like a trampoline. I can't believe I couldn't feel it. The little guy was super active.....looks like we may have a mini-Travis on our hands! SCARY! haha. Oh, and the heartbeat was's gone down since last time. Old wives tales would predict a boy at this point based on the heart rate.......hmmm......

I can't believe it has already been a week since that ultrasound! Today I'm actually 13 weeks 6 days and starting to feel more pregnant everyday. I'm starting to look thick in the middle to any onlookers. You'll see, I'll post a new belly picture here in a couple of days. Our next apt is in two days (Wednesday) which will be pretty uneventful besides getting to hear the heartbeat. They'll also weigh me and make me pee in a cup....FUN! : )

In other exciting news, Nate and Andrea come home this week! We are going to dinner with them Thursday night and mom and I are going to Tulsa to see Nate also on Friday. I can't wait to see him! In more exciting news, we are leaving for a cruise with Trav's parents and Chris and Paige on Sunday, May 10th! SIX more days!

I have one request to my readers.......please say a prayer for my aunt Beth who had surgery today for breast cancer. I love you Bethy!

I hope all of you are having a good Monday!

13 Week Ultrasound Pictures

Here are our 13 week ultrasound photos! The little baby is perfect size and we are right on schedule for our due date. : )

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pictures of our pictures.......

12 taken April 21, 2009....
9 weeks photo.....haven't really grown but have continued to feel bloated from the crazy hormones. I can blame them for everything right now! : ) This was April 1, 2009

This was our first "belly picture" at 4 weeks.....I believe this was February 27, 2009.

This is our 8 week ultrasound, which is our most recent. He/she is the size of a bean here measuring in at 15.05mm..... : )

Pictures of our Pictures.....

Because I can't find our power cord anywhere I have taken pictures of our pictures just for you! Hopefully I will get better at this..... haha!
This is a picture of our 6 week ultrasound. The little guy is only 2mm long.....that's tiny!

12 weeks 3 days

In an attempt to keep all of our friends and family informed on the progess of our pregnancy I have decided to become a blogger!! The idea came from Trav's cousin Annie who moved to Virginia last year and has been journaling on her blog in an attempt to keep all of us informed on their whereabouts and whatnot. So thanks Annie for the idea!
Today we are officially 12 weeks and 3 days pregnant with a due date of November 3, 2009 and we could not be more excited! In the past several weeks there have been many ups and downs, some days feeling aweful, like hammered dog poo and some days I feel completely normal like I'm not even pregnant. Weeks 7-9 were by FAR the worst as far as morning sickness and fatigue goes. My mom and I went out to Reno to visit my brother and sister-in-law at the end of March and they got to see me at my worst, unfortunately. But, they were so gracious and comforting the entire time, thank God! : )
By now the baby is reportedly the size of a "large plum" and I'm starting to feel even more "bloated." I've been calling my increased waistline "bloated" because that's exactly what it feels and looks like. It's bloated just enough to achieve a small "muffin top" in my regular jeans. I'm still wearing all of my normal clothes and plan to do so until I HAVE to buy maternity clothes.....I actually haven't even been into a maternity store yet. I plan tomorrow on going to target and getting one of those elastic bands you can put over regular pants. I'm pretty sure they have some at Target. Trav and I are also going to a couple of baby stores tomorrow because Trav's parents have GRACIOUSLY offered to help us purchase the crib! How exciting!
Our next doctor's apt is next Tuesday (13 weeks exactly) and we will be having out third ultrasound!! We are so excited and of course I'm a little nervous. This whole process has made me very nervous and anxious.
For now I'll keep praying this prayer that my grandma Keilholz gave me that she said for each of her six children and for all 14 of us grandchildren and now she assures me that she's saying it for my baby! I hope you don't mind grandma, but I have shared the prayer with a couple of my pregnant friends. So, here's the prayer....

"I put my little baby under your protection, Mary my Mother.
Make it's tiny mind grow up to love the Truths of faith.
Consecrate its will to the service of God. Fill its heart with love for its creator.
Fashion its little body in all perfection. Let its organs be sound, its senses acute;
All its members strong and healthy.
You can obtain this favor for me, Mary my Mother, as I ask this through you, in your son Jesus' name..........AMEN"

Don't I have the most awesome grandma!?! : )

I hope everyone is having a great day! My next goal is to search this house high and low for the power cord so I can share some belly pictures and ultrasound pictures. I love you all!
