Monday, July 20, 2009

25 weeks

I know, I know....I'm HORRIBLE at this blog thing!! I sometimes forget I even have it until friends start to remind me that it's time for an update. If you know me well, you know that I'm bad at keeping up with this type of stuff....just like I'm horrible at returning phone calls!! OOPS!

Well, we are now at 25 weeks and everything is still going great! I've been packing on the lbs and hoping most of that weight is going toward the little fella and not toward my "ars!" : ) We are getting closer to picking the NAME but I'm not going to tell until we make our final decision.... I can feel the little dude almost constantly lately and the movements seem to be getting bigger and bigger. For instance, instead of feeling just kicks I am feeling body parts moving across my belly OR feeling body parts leaning against my belly and when I feel the pressure on my stomach it feels hard like it could be his back or butt. Saturday Trav had his head on my stomach trying to hear or feel him and he got several kicks to the side of his face! I like the spunk he is already showing!!

We just got back from Florida Saturday from Chris' and Paige's wedding. The wedding was beautiful and we had a great time with all of Trav's family! I realized that I'm not really good at the whole heat thing....I hate being hot, I'm not gonna lie! The beach and water was beautiful but I went inside every couple of hours to get out of the heat....I'm not one that likes to sweat. I know, I'm a huge baby! It was a really fun trip though! We got to see Annie (Trav's gorgeous cousin and my good friend) finally!! It was especially good seeing her and her beautiful self!!

We are now officially done with traveling out of state until the baby comes! It's now time to do the whole "nesting" thing getting the baby's room ready and preparing for his arrival. : ) I'll post pictures of the room as soon as we get it finished. It's already looking good!

Well folks, until next time......

Love to all!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

22 week 2 day BELLY!!!

22 Weeks 1 Day : )

HELLO!! Happy 4th of July ALMOST!

Well, since I didn't update last week I'll let you know a little history... I got back from Florida late last Tuesday night and had a blast with my family. It was VERY short and sweet! The trip mostly consisted of talking, laying out, eating, talking, laying out, eating....etc. Three things I LOVE doing. My cousin Allie is pregnant (12 weeks along today) and she didn't feel very good part of the time but we made the best of it! My cousin Aaron who has an 11 month old boy brought me some "hand me downs" that are absolutely adorable and I'm SO thankful for him and all the new clothes. My aunt Beth who currently has breast cancer is in great spirits and just her normal, crazy self even though she is going through some pretty powerful chemo right now so she couldn't have been feeling all that great. She sure fooled me though! Anyway, it was a great time with everyone and so good to see everyone!

Last Thursday we had an ultrasound at 21 weeks 2 days so we could look at our little guy up close and personal and make sure that he is normal size and everything has developed like it should. Everything we GREAT!! The doctor was able to rule out ANY abnormalities and confirmed again that indeed we are having a BOY! We then got some 3d shots of him that are a little distorted because of all of the amniotic fluid around him but still AMAZING to look at! As of that day he weighed in at 15 oz. which the Dr. said is perfect! By now he is supposed to be 11 inches long and probably around 1lb or so. He's really growing up on us! : )
I had a Dr. apt today, just my regular 4 week apt. I have gained 4lbs in the past 4 weeks, my blood pressure looks good and the baby's heart rate was 156. They also started measuring my uterus this week and it's right where it's supposed to be, just above my belly button. : ) All and all, everything is going great! I'll post my new "belly" picture here in a little bit after Trav gets home.
Have a great night everyone!! Oh, and Happy 4th of July!!
