Thursday, May 21, 2009

16 Weeks 2 Days!!

Wow, what a busy couple of weeks it has been since my last post! We were gone 7 of those days on vacation with Trav's parent's, brother Chris and his fiance Paige.....on a CRUISE! We had alot of fun. I asked the doctor the week before we left for prescription motion sickness pills JUST IN CASE.....well, guess who got the use out of those pills...TRAVIS!! haha! Two days of the five day cruise Trav was pretty sea sick...but he handled it like a trooper. I have to admit, being out in the sun all day on vacation definitely made me crave a beer or two, I was pretty jealous of Trav but I managed to overcome the desire. ha. Anyway, we got back home Saturday night, unpacked and got ready for another work week.
Now, I'm re-packing for my trip to London tomorrow!!!! My mom headed over there Tuesday and has been hanging out partly by herself and partly with my uncle Tony (who lives there) and Aubrie and I are going to meet in Houston tomorrow and fly off together to London to meet my mom and uncle! We will be there three days and then all head back home together on Tuesday.
Pregnancy has been treating me GREAT the past several weeks. I have no complaints at all and I'm really enjoying this whole thing. Since about the last week I can clearly feel a bump below my belly button when I'm laying feels like a hard ball. It's so cool! Trav is amazed that he can feel it and has been feeling it every night and every morning. I can feel movements also every once in a's a weird feeling but it's awesome. Trav can't feel anything yet from the outside as far as movement. Probably not too much longer though!!! : )
Well, when I get back next week I will try to give another update! I hope all of you are doing well!

1 comment:

  1. You look so great!!! I hope you're having a blast in London! Stay safe and call me when you return! Love you!

