Monday, May 4, 2009

Time is Flying....

Well, as you all can see, our 13 weeks ultrasound went great! Everything is measuring to be right on schedule. The ultrasound tech measured his/her little head and belly and everything was all good.....she said the head was the size of a quarter. It was absolutely amazing to see the little life inside of me move around, bouncing off of my uterus like a trampoline. I can't believe I couldn't feel it. The little guy was super active.....looks like we may have a mini-Travis on our hands! SCARY! haha. Oh, and the heartbeat was's gone down since last time. Old wives tales would predict a boy at this point based on the heart rate.......hmmm......

I can't believe it has already been a week since that ultrasound! Today I'm actually 13 weeks 6 days and starting to feel more pregnant everyday. I'm starting to look thick in the middle to any onlookers. You'll see, I'll post a new belly picture here in a couple of days. Our next apt is in two days (Wednesday) which will be pretty uneventful besides getting to hear the heartbeat. They'll also weigh me and make me pee in a cup....FUN! : )

In other exciting news, Nate and Andrea come home this week! We are going to dinner with them Thursday night and mom and I are going to Tulsa to see Nate also on Friday. I can't wait to see him! In more exciting news, we are leaving for a cruise with Trav's parents and Chris and Paige on Sunday, May 10th! SIX more days!

I have one request to my readers.......please say a prayer for my aunt Beth who had surgery today for breast cancer. I love you Bethy!

I hope all of you are having a good Monday!

1 comment:

  1. yeah for baby kinnamons blogs:) Soo cute ash! I LOVE your header and blog! Darling:)

